Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wednesday classes and fun!

Greetings Followers!

The morning rain cleared and we had a great day of classes. Look over the FB post and see if you can find more of the ones posted yesterday as well as
Climbing Tower, First Aid, Gau Gau, Indoor cooking, kayaking, low challenge course, High Ropes, Theater Arts, and Volleyball.

We had fun competing between Districts, Hunger Games style again.

Stay tuned for Thursday's photos!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tuesday Camp Day

Greetings Everyone!
Look at the FB pics posted on the Virginia Cooperative Extension-Lynchburg page and see if you recognize the classes the students are working on in the photos?

The following classes have images for Tuesday. The rest to come in Wednesday's batch.
Archery, Basketball, Canoeing, CIT with Kevin Camm, Fishing, Leather Craft, Multimedia, Nature and Forestry, Nature Crafts, Outdoor Cooking, Riflery, Rocketry, Scuba, Swimming 1 and some Volleyball too.

The Campfire was a raucous event with songs and stories and an enthusiastic crowd. Surrounding the campers were Big Brown Bats catching insects over the cove and Cricket frogs clacking away on the edge of the Lake.

The Campers often speak of what they will do NEXT YEAR! Not to mention the future CIT's!

 Group Meetings beside the Lake, can they form a circle?

Below, Bob Poole, our intrepid photographer. We are using his wonderful cameras to bring you the sights of camp!

Come back tomorrow to get a glimpse of this years new shutter bug and blogger!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Holiday Lake 4H Camp Monday Adventures

Arrived to some light rain but we were not deterred. The opening assembly began to the theme from The Lion King and the camp staff introduced themselves. Our intrepid extension agents, Bonnie and Kevin, introduced the teen leaders and adult leaders to enthusiastic cheers for all.

Today's lunch was personal pepperoni pizza with canned corn and celery/carrots with ranch. Salad bar excelled with egg salad and chicken salad choices. Lemonade and tea was good for washing it all down.

The rainy weather was gone with overcast skies and humid air but kids were ready for their next activities. The pool was very popular for rec time and at  night swim.

Dinner was well received with fried chicken, scalloped potatoes, rolls, cookie and salad bar!

One part of camp that is not so much fun is lining up when the intercom voices rally the troops at various times.

At the end of the day, the flag lowering ceremony is a very formal gathering with everyone showing respect for the 4H, Virginia State, and US flags. District 7 did a great job helping fold each flag carefully.

 Mail call was FUN!

News from Carnifield: District 9 won the cumulative ticket count!

Tuesday's activities reported Tomorrow after Breakfast. Classes, Classes and more Classes for great learning fun! And CAMPFIRE! Do Come Back!

Monday, July 21, 2014

We made it to 4-H Camp!

Today started off a little overcast, but the campers didn't mind as they were excited to get to 4-H Camp.  Some of the parents wanted to come too :)

We also had several canned goods donated for the less fortunate in Appomattox and Lynchburg.

The rain was coming down at a good pace when the campers arrived at camp, but that didn't stop the campers from getting moved in...and yes, some even played gau-gau.  The rain quickly moved on out during opening assembly.

And of course, everyone was ready for lunch.  The campers lined up and sang a grace song and headed on in the dining hall.

Everyone is now off to do health checks, swim tests, and camp tours...more to come!

Monday, July 14, 2014

One Week Away!!

We are so excited about 4-H Camp and hope that you will visit us daily and follow along.  We hope that you will plug in your email address at the top of this page and you will receive updates as we post them from camp.  

Our them this year is The Hunger Games.  More information will be sent out today, but please bring some canned goods and/or nonperishable foods for check-in on July 21st.  We will be donating those goods to the local food bank.  That's it for now.  We will update again very soon!!